Education Technology
T³™ Teacher Leader Cadre

Build school and district teacher leaders with nine days of intensive, on-site, in-depth professional development that you can configure to fit into your schedule.

Professional learning that meets you where you are. Tell us how we can help you

About the T³™ Teacher Leader Cadre (TLC)

Each T³™ TLC program focuses on technology integration, content knowledge, building a professional learning community and teaching adults. Successful TLC participants will be able to mentor others and support ongoing professional development plans.

Participants will hone skills taken from training and classroom experience, and present lessons to colleagues and the T³™ instructor for professional critique.

Successful TLC participants will be able to mentor others and support ongoing professional development plans.


$24,000 for up to 25 participants.

Each participant receives a graduation gift of a graphing calculator and software license.

Invest in your professional learning community

T³™ TLC programs equip a core group of educators with the tools to mentor their colleagues.

Math Nspire High School TLC

High School Mathematics Using the TI-Nspire™ Technology

Focus on effective use of TI-Nspire™ handheld and Teacher Software across the high school mathematics curriculum, with an emphasis on strengthening content knowledge, pedagogy, and leadership skills.

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Math Nspire Middle grades TLC

Middle Grades Mathematics and Algebra Using TI-Nspire™ Technology

Enhance technology skills, gain deeper insight into specific content areas, develop stronger pedagogy and become better equipped to share knowledge with other educators and students.

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Math Science Nspired TLC

Connecting Science and Mathematics Using TI-Nspire™ Technology

Enrich expertise and become equipped to lead others in collecting and analyzing data, developing mathematical models and using interactive simulations to explore key concepts across the high school science and mathematics curricula.

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Science Nspire High School TLC

High School Science Using TI-Nspire™ Technology

Expand and strengthen leadership skills and expertise using technology to collect and analyze data, develop models and use interactive simulations to explore concepts in biology, chemistry, and physics.

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Math 84 CE High School TLC

High School Mathematics Using the TI-84 Plus Family

Strengthen content knowledge, pedagogy and leadership skills by focusing on the effective use of TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators across the high school mathematics curriculum.

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