Can You See Me in the Pedigree?
Students will use the TI-Innovator™ Rover and the provided file to explore pedigrees. Students will consider an actual trait (color blindness) and several fictitious traits that may or may not be expressed by Rover. Students must determine if a dominant or recessive allele is expressed for four separate traits. Finally, students will compare their results with that of the four pedigrees to determine which individual their Rover is in the pedigree.
Material List:
- Pedigree chart (provided)
- Red, green, and blue tape or construction paper (4 inch by 4 inch minimum)
Science Topic: Life Science - Pedigree
TI-84 Plus CE activity files TI-Nspire™ activity filesDichoto-Me
Students will classify the species of their TI-Innovator™ Rover by using the provided file. Students will put their unknown species (Rover) through a battery of tests and observe behavior. The students will work through the process of a dichotomous key to narrow in on which species they are observing.
Material List:
- Identification chart (provided)
- Flashlight (mobile phone light will work)
- Yellow tape or construction paper (4 inch by 2 inch minimum) that represents animal urine
Science Topic: Biology - Classification
TI-84 Plus CE activity files TI-Nspire™ activity filesSpeed Check
Students will use the TI-Innovator™ Rover and the provided file to explore the relationship between speed, distance and time. The students will relate their choices to the actions of Rover and understand they have the ability to control these values as they explore speed, distance and time. In addition, they see how closely Rover can match their choices.
Material List:
- Meter stick
- Stopwatch (One per student group)
- 1.5 by 2.5 meters of floor or table space
- Tape (painters tape is recommended)
Science Topic: Physical Science - Distance, Speed, Time
TI-84 Plus CE activity files TI-Nspire™ activity files