Education Technology

Solution 10454: Equation Used to Create the 3D Graph on the Cover of the TI-92 Manual.

What is the equation for the 3D graph on the cover of the TI-92 manual?

The equation for the graph found on the cover of the TI-92 manual is: 

             20*cos((x^2 +y^2)/4)
z(x,y) = ------------------------------- 
                (x^2 +y^2 + p)

eyeq = 20
eyej= 70
xmin = -5
xmax = 5
xgrid = 20
ymin = -5
ymax = 5
ygrid = 20
zmin = -1.2953 (approx)
zmax = 6.3662 (approx)
zscl = 1

The graphing calculator must be in 3-D graphing and Radian mode to properly display the graph.Please see the TI-89 family, TI-92 family and Voyage 200 guidebooks for additional information.